Showing posts with label erros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erros. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 September 2014

How to solve ORA-19505: failed to identify file in RMAN?

DBA’s will feel bad when they got any error. It’s common for any :)
Lets say you got below error
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch00 channel at 01/17/2011 13:01:03
ORA-19505: failed to identify file “/dwh1/oraarch/arch/1_1100721_664058960.dbf”
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
Don’t be panic, nothing happened to your backup or database. If you read the error, its saying particular archive logfile is not available. This may be due to file deleted at OS level due to some reason.
In this situation, do the following
1. Run crosscheck command against archivelogs
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
2. If you find any archives marked as EXPIRED, then delete those expired archives using below command
RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;
This will prompt you YES or NO. If you don’t want a prompt, use below command
RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog all;
3. Take a fresh archivelog backup
RMAN> backup archivelog all; (you  can use delete input clause also)

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

ORA-01012: not logged on

ORA-01012: not logged on

ORA-01012: not logged on

This may occur generally due to heavy load or out of available connection in the database. If there is maximum number of sessions connected to the database, which is defined by ‘processes‘ parameter and database does not allow sysdba as well as other users to connect to the database. Sometimes it may also occur due to improper shutdown the database. In that case it shows connected but it does not allow to happening any query to the database instead it fails with ORA-01012: not logged on
Sometimes connecting with sysdba shows database in idle instance but whenever you issue startup it fails with ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first.
In the above case:
Either shutdown the Application as well as DB server (if Possible) or Kill unused oracle processes which holding the resource (Make sure do not kill BG processes. You can use toad for killing the process). Then login with sysdba to increase the value of parameter ‘processes’.
SQL> show parameter sessions
SQL> show parameter processes
SQL> show parameter transactions
     WHERE NAME = 'processes';
SQL> Alter system set processes=300 scope=both sid='*';
SQL> Alter system set sessions=355 scope=both sid='*';
SQL> Alter system set transactions=410 scope=both sid='*';

Monday, 17 March 2014

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

 ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

i case your problem regarding not able to create dictionary managed tablespace has not been solved then just look at your system tablespace weather it is locally managed or dictionary. according to me it should be locally managed. once you switch your system tablespace as locally managed then you cannot create any dictionary managed tablespace in your database, and there is no way to switch your system tablespace back to local from dictionary managed once you have made it locally managed. It might be possible that you have not made the system tablespace locally managed but if you have created the database from DBCA i.e. database configuration asisstant then it automatically creates the system tablespace locally managed........ so don't panic.....