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This section
summarizes the procedures we recommend you follow on a daily basis to check the
status of each of your Oracle database:
1 .
Verify that all instances are up .
Make sure
the databases are available. Log into each instance and run daily reports or test
Some sites may want you to automate this step. As
an option , consider using Oracle Enterprise
Manager's probe event.
for any new alert log entries by doing the following
➔- Connect to each managed system
. Use Telnet , SSH, or a similar protocol to connect.
- For
each managed instance , go to the background dump destination (usually
where <SID> is the database system identifier , or SID ).
make sure to look under the SID for each database
you are managing.
- At the prompt
, use Unix tail command to check the alert_<SID>. Log , or examine the
most recent
entries in the alert log file in some other way.
- If any ORA errors have appeared since the last
time you looked, note them in your
Database Recovery.
Log and investigate each one. The Database Recovery Log is a text file you
should create and maintain; there you can record
for future reference any problems you find and
any actions
you take.
3. Verify
that the simple Network Management protocol (SNMP) subagent for the Oracle
, dbsnmp , is running
- Log
on to each machine you are managing , to check for the dbsnmp process.
- For
Unix , at the command line ,type:
ps -ef | grep dbsnmp
should be two dbsnmp processes running . If not restart dbsnmp.
4. Verify
that the database backup was successful .
5. Verify
that the database archiving to tape was successful .
6. Verify
that you have enough resources for acceptable performance by doing the following
free space in tablespaces .
For each
instance , make sure the enough free space exist in each tablespace to handle
the day's
expected growth . When incoming data is stable and
the average daily growth can be calculated , your
minimum free space should at least equal the amount
of data growth you accept during the time it will
take to order , receive ,and install additional disks.
Verify rollback segment as follow:
i. To obtain
the current status of each ONLINE or FULL rollback segment(by ID, not by name),
the V$ROLLSTAT view.
i. Status should be ONLINE, not OFFLINE or FULL,except
in those cases in which you have a
rollback segment for large batch jobs whose normal status is OFFLINE.
ii. Optional: for each database you may have a list
of rollback segment names and their expected
iv. For storage parameter and names of all rollback
segments , query on DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS.
This views STATUS field is less accurate then V$ROLLSTAT
, however , since it lacks the
It shows these as OFFLINE and ONLINE , respectively.
- Identify bad growth projections:
i. Gather daily sizing information .
ii. Check
current extents.
iii. Query
current table sizing information.
iv. Query
current index sizing information.
v. Query
growth trends.
Look for segments in the database that are running
out of resources (e.g .., extents ) or growing at an
excessive rate. You may need to adjust the storage
parameters of these segments. For example, if any
objects has reached 200 as the number of current
extents , upgrade the MAX_EXTENTS parameter in
the INIT.ORA file to a value of UNLIMITED.
– Identify space-bound objects.
The NEXT_EXTENT values for space-bound objects are
bigger than the largest extent that the table
space can offer. Space-bound objects can harm database
performance . If you encounter such objects ,
you first need to investigate the situation . Then
you can either add another datafile or manually
defragment the tablespace using the COALESCE clause
of the ALTER TABLESPACE command :
where name is the tablespace name .
– Be sure to review to connection
for CPU , memory , network , and disk resource .
7. As
a final daily requirement,keep improving your overall DBA skills by spending at
least one hour a
day reading Oracle your DBA manuals.
This section
summarizes the procedures we recommend you follow on a weekly basis to check the
status of each of your Oracle database:
1. Look for
objects that break rules:
each object-creation policy (naming convention,storage parameter,etc.),institute
automated check to verify that the policy is being
followed. Make sure every object in a given
tablespace has the exact same size for NEXT_EXTENT
parameter value.
2. Ensure that all tables have unique primary keys.
– Check for missing primary keys.
– Check for disabled primary keys.
– Make sure all primary key indexes
are unique.
3. Ensure
that all indexes use an index tablespace.
4. Ensure
that schemas look identical between environments (especially test and production
- Check
for datatype consistency.
- Check
for the consistency of other objects.
5. Look for
security policy violations.
6. Look in Net8 logs for errors and other issues.
7. Archive all alert logs to history.
Monthly DBA procedures
This section summarizes
the procedures we recommend you follow on a monthly basis to check
the status of each of your Oracle databases:
1. Look for harmful growth rates.
changes in segment growth, as compared to previous reports, to identify segment
that may
be growing in a harmful way.
2. Examine tuning opportunities.
common Oracle tuning points,such as cache hit ratio, latch contention, and other
dealing with memory management. Compare these with
past reports to identify harmful trends and
determine the impact of recent tuning adjustment.
3. Look for I/O contention
database file activity. Compare this activity to past output to identify trends
that could
lead to
possible contetion.
4. Review fragmentation by investigating row chaining
and other areas of fragmentation.
5. Project performance into the future as follows:
- Compare
reports on CPU, memory, network, and disk utilization from both Oracle and the
operating system to identify trends that could lead
to contention for any one of these resources in the
near future.
- Compare
performance trends to your organization`s service level agreement to see when
system will go out of bounds.
6. Perform tuning and maintenance.
Make whatever
adjustments are necessary to avoid contention for system resources.
These adjustments
may include scheduled downtime or requests for additional resources.
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